- Formula Learner Driving School
Driving Instructor Course
Do you have a balance between work and lifestyle?
Or are you stuck at a blind spot?
Will becoming a Driving Instructor in the UK be a solution for you?
This PDF covers the following topics:
- Current situation in the industry
- Qualification to become a driving instructor
- Advantages and disadvantages of this profession
- What happens once you're qualified?
- What is it really like?
- Real case studies from working driving instructors
- Choosing a learning vehicle
- Self-employment
- Personal satisfaction
- Are you the right person for this profession?
A 60-page PDF answering the above questions
Work local | Select the days and hours you work | be your own boss!
Read more about this topic or request a PDF with information!
At this early stage, it’s just a thought that you may want to explore further.
I do not intend to convince or influence you, but only to present this idea to you. Many people ask for the PDF and after reading it decide it’s not for them and that’s why I like it. At least you’ve explored this possibility and can continue your search for a good career and a solution to your work/lifestyle balance.
After reading the PDF, many people want to explore these career options further by organizing a meeting with me. During such a meeting, you will have the opportunity to see first-hand what the Driving Instructor Course in the UK looks like and how the Driving School is run.
Each year we send many PDFs to the local community, which helps us reach people who want to start this career and perhaps join our Driving School.
I guess I'm not alone?
Decyzja która kompletnie zmieniła moje życie
Jeśli powrócę do mojej własnej historii i spojrzę na to, co ostatecznie skłoniło mnie do podjęcia pewnych działań, było to tylko zwykłe ogłoszenie w internecie, z nagłówkiem – Zostań instruktorem jazdy. Pamiętam dokładnie ten moment do dziś, ale wtedy niewiele rozumiałem, że ma to zmienić całe moje życie. Siedziałem przed komputerem w pracy rozmyślając co mógłbym innego robić niż to co robię obecnie. Wróciłem do domu i natychmiast zadzwoniłem pod numer reklamy i umówiłem się na 25 stycznia.Po spotkaniu z Trenerem Instruktorów od razu czułem, że to może byc cos dla mnie i zmienić moja przyszłość.Chciałem się tutaj podzielić z Wami moja historia jak moje życie się zmieniło kiedy znalazłem w sobie odwagę zrobić coś innego i nie akceptować swojej sytuacji zawodowej. Przez kilka lat byłem nauczycielem w szkole średniej w Londynie. Dlugie godziny pracy oraz ciągły stres i presja doprowadziły mnie do rozważenia innych opcji zawodowych i rezygnacji z tej profesji. W 2006 zapisałem się na kurs na Instruktora Nauki Jazdy. Od momentu zostania Instruktorem Nauki Jazdy w UK czuje ze moje życie kompletnie się zmienilo. Co mnie skusiło by zostać Instruktorem Nauki Jazdy to możliwość pracy dla samego siebie. Chciałem także mieć elastyczność przy wyborze moich dni i godzin pracy by dopasować moja prace do stylu mojego życia a nie odwrotnie. Jedyne czego żałuję że nie zrobiłem tego wcześniej.
Wreszcie nowy początek po zmarnowaniu kilku lat mojego życia.
Uzyskałem uprawnienia Instruktora Nauki Jazdy w Wrześniu 2006 roku.W poniedziałek wyruszyłem do pracy i po raz pierwszy od ponad kilku lat wiedziałem, że będę robić coś co daje mi satysfakcję oraz dobre perspektywy materialne. W ciągu ostatnich 7 lat nie byłem w stanie całkowicie kontrolować dni i czasu, kiedy pracuję. Mam wakacje, kiedy je sam sobie ustalam, bez pytania o pozwolenie czy nie patrząc na kalendarz szkolny. Każdy dzień przynosi mi ogromną satysfakcję z pracy, a nauczanie kompletnego nowicjusza i uczynienie go w pełni wykwalifikowanym kierowcą jest ogromnie satysfakcjonujące.
- Czy którykolwiek z poniższych przykładów dotyczy -Ciebie?
- Pracujesz przez wiele godzin i poświęcasz czas rodzinny
- Nie masz wyboru w ciągu dni, w których pracujesz
- Pracujesz w weekendy, kiedy najważniejszy jest czas rodzinny
- Ty bierzesz wakacje, kiedy twój pracodawca wybiera
- Twoja praca jest niewdzięczna, a ty się zestarzałeś
- Nie otrzymujesz uznania za swoje wysiłki
- Przyjeżdżasz do pracy w poniedziałek z tęsknota za piątkiem
- Masz dość pracy dla kogoś innego (pracodawcy)
- Chciałbyś zostać swoim własnym szefem i pracować na własnych zasadach
- Chcesz wybrać dni i godziny pracy
- Chcesz pracować w okolicy bez dojazdów do pracy
- Masz żyłkę przedsiębiorczości, aby założyć własną firmę
- Jeśli odpowiedź brzmi TAK …… ..
- Więc może nowa kariera jako instruktor nauki jazdy może być rozwiązaniem dla Ciebie!
Oczywiście nie jestem sam i przez ostatnie dziesięć lat przeprowadziłem setki wywiadów z ludźmi, którzy mają podobne historie do opowiedzenia. Miałem okazję poznać bardzo zróżnicowaną grupę ludzi, od pracownika marketingu i operacji w jednym z lokalnych salonów BMW, pracownika administracyjnego w NHS, poprzez budowlańców do kilku pracowników lokalnych firm jak Argos, Morrison. Chociaż ta grupa ludzi może wydawać się bardzo różna, wszyscy mają jedną wspólną cechę.Są „własnością” swojej pracy i pracodawców lub brak im satysfakcji z pracy, uznania lub długoterminowych perspektyw.Niektórzy ludzie, z którymi się spotkałem, mają niezwykle wymagające miejsca pracy, które na pewnym etapie stają się trudne do zniesienia i często obciążają życie rodzinne. Inni znajdują się w przyziemnych zawodach, w których często spędzają 50 tygodni w roku, oczekując na coroczne wakacje i tolerują odrętwienie i często niewdzięczne istnienie. Pójście do pracy w poniedziałek rano i życzenia, by był to piątek, jest niestety normą dla wielu, ponieważ nasz życie mija bezpowrotnie.
Czy jak dotąd wzbudziłem twoje zainteresowanie?
Of course, I’m not alone, and over the last ten years I have conducted hundreds of interviews with people who have similar stories to tell.
I had the opportunity to meet a very diverse group of people, from a marketing and operations employee at one of the local BMW showrooms, an administrative employee in the NHS, through construction workers, to several employees of local companies such as Argos and Morrison.
Although this group of people may seem very different, they all have one thing in common.
They “own” their job and employers or lack job satisfaction, recognition, or long-term prospects.
Some people I have met have extremely demanding jobs that at some stage become difficult to cope with and often put a strain on their family life.
Others find themselves in mundane jobs where they often spend 50 weeks a year waiting for their annual vacation and tolerate a numb and often thankless existence.
Going to work on Monday morning and wishing it were Friday is unfortunately the norm for many as our lives pass forever.
A decision that completely changed my life
If I go back to my own story and look at what ultimately prompted me to take certain actions, it was just a simple ad on the internet with the headline – Become a Driving Instructor.
I remember this exact moment to this day, but little did I understand that it was going to change my whole life.
I was sitting in front of the computer at work, thinking about what I could do differently than what I am currently doing.
I returned home and immediately called the advertising number and made an appointment for January 25th.
After meeting the Instructor Trainer, I immediately felt that it could be something for me and change my future.
I wanted to share with you my story about how my life changed when I found the courage to do something different and not accept my professional situation.
I was a secondary school teacher in London for several years. Long working hours and constant stress and pressure led me to consider other career options and leave this profession.
In 2006, I signed up for a driving instructor course.
Since becoming a Driving Instructor in the UK, I feel that my life has completely changed.
What tempted me to become a Driving Instructor was the opportunity to work for myself. I also wanted to have flexibility in choosing my working days and hours to fit my work to my lifestyle and not the other way around.
My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.
Finally a fresh start after wasting several years of my life.
I obtained my driving instructor license in September 2006.
On Monday I went to work and for the first time in over several years I knew that I would be doing something that gave me satisfaction and good financial prospects.
Over the last 7 years, I have not been able to completely control the days and times I work. I have holidays when I schedule them myself, without asking for permission or looking at the school calendar.
Every day brings me great job satisfaction and teaching a complete novice and turning them into a fully qualified driver is hugely satisfying.
Do any of the following examples apply to you?
You work long hours and sacrifice family time
You have no choice during the days you work
You work on weekends when family time is most important
You take vacations when your employer chooses
Your job is thankless and you’re getting old
You don’t get recognition for your efforts
You come to work on Monday longing for Friday
Tired of working for someone else (employer)
Would you like to become your own boss and work on your own terms?
You want to choose your working days and hours
You want to work in an area without a commute
You have the entrepreneurial streak to start your own business
If the answer is YES……..
So maybe a new career as a driving instructor could be the solution for you!
Have I piqued your interest so far?
If so, you will undoubtedly have a hundred questions about training, work, money, cost and what a driving instructor really does and works.
The best way to give you a completely unbiased and extremely comprehensive view of the industry is to send you a FREE 60-page PDF.
Asking for this PDF with information about the Driving Instructor’s Course and Work in the UK has changed the lives of many Poles in the UK over the last ten years and it could also be a change in your life!
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Just add your postal details to the form and the PDF will be sent to you.
Whatever you decide, I appreciate your visit to our site and hope you will find what you are looking for.
Best regards
, Andrzej Stosik (director of Formula Learner Driving School.)
Take a driving instructor training course in the UK
By joining the Formula Learner Driving School, you are not only purchasing a training package, if you are joining us, you are purchasing a new career, a new lifestyle and the support of a company with many years of experience in training and professional development related to driver training.
Be sure that our training is 1:1 without sharing a car. Many training companies put two or three trainees in the vehicle, which means you may only receive a third of your training hours in the front passenger seat – where you need to be to give yourself the best chance of passing the Part Three Instructor exam. All your training is in the car and based on a personal and individual approach to your needs.
After obtaining qualifications, we guarantee a place at our school in the area you choose. You’ll benefit from full support when you really need it – during training and in your first year or two as an instructor.
Approved driving instructor training program
This is a typical program for someone who qualifies with us as a driving instructor, but we tailor your course to your needs.
Part one (theory)
- 2 hours of driver training (1:1)
- 3 hours of instructor training (1:1)
- 1-hour hazard perception training/theoretical training
- Part one of the study guide and six books recommended by the DVSA
- Threat theory/perception DVD
- Theory Test Pro online software
Part two (driving)
- 12 hours of driver training (1:1)
- Driver training manual
Part three (instructing)
- 40 hours of instructor training (1:1)
- Instructor training manual
- Lesson plans/books of visual aids
After completing the above training, you have the opportunity to work at our school on a temporary apprentice license (for 6 months) to gain experience with real students.
The cost of a trainee license is £140 payable to the DVSA.
You must complete an additional 20 hours of instructor training within the first three months of your license. You will teach and be paid, while you are licensed, you will teach and be paid for it.
You have nothing to lose and maybe everything to gain. Twenty minutes of your time can be life-changing, as it was for me! Your contact and postal details will be used to send the PDF to you. It will not be passed on to any third party or used for any reason other than that stated here.
Learn the stories of other people who, after reflection, took this important step in life by changing their profession. This is just one of the reviews from a satisfied customer who completed the Driving Instructor Course with us and currently cooperates with us.
Adrian Sidorowicz Hounslow, West London
I highly recommend the driving instructor course at the Formula Learner Driving School.
Andrzej has very extensive knowledge and helped me learn everything step by step. He provided me with all the necessary theoretical materials, and then we introduced these issues in practice.
Andrzej raised all the necessary issues, starting from a thorough analysis of the skills and needs of the student, through observing not only the road but also the student, which is not an easy task. And ending with verification and correction of the student’s errors.
Classes at Formula Learner allowed me to open the door to a new professional career.
Driving School London
Formula Learner Polish Driving School East London, North London, West London, Slough and Essex offers driving lessons conducted by qualified instructors